Arts and Culture


Summit Art Gallery

243 Three Springs Drive, Suite 17, Weirton, WV 26062

Operated by the Top of West Virginia Arts Council, Summit Gallery features works by local and regional artists, which are rotated on a quarterly basis to feature new talent from the Top of West Virginia.

Weirton Area Museum & Cultural Center

3149 Main St, Weirton, WV 26062

An all-volunteer organization with a mission to preserve the rich history and culture of the Weirton Area and share it as widely as possible.

Brooke County Historical Museum & Cultural Center

704 Charles St, Wellsburg, WV 26070

Brooke County Museum contains thousands of articles and objects from Brooke County, WV’s history such as glass, structures, and military items. 

Fiesta Tableware Company

672 Fiesta Dr, Newell, WV 26050

Making professional-grade dinnerware for retail stores and home chefs is what Fiesta Tableware does, but who they are is a much deeper story. Find out how the company started and what they’ve seen and done through the decades that shaped them.

The Ohio Valley Cloak & Dagger Company

A local performing group that puts on a variety of shows!

Hancock County Historic Museum

1008 Ridge Ave, New Cumberland, WV 26047

This house made into a museum has been overlooking the Ohio River in New Cumberland for centuries, and is on the national register of historic places.