Featured Arts Council Member: Jeanne Amidon
Jeanne Amidon was born and raised in western Massachusetts and has lived in Connecticut, Long Island, Pittsburgh, and Weirton. She earned a B.A. in Math, Computer Science and Management, with a minor in English from Russell Sage College in Troy, New York. Jeanne works at a local hospital and is a tax preparer, as well as an Enrolled Agent. She has always enjoyed working with numbers as it was one of her favorite subjects in school.
Amidon has been a member of the Weirton Woman’s Club since 2007 and currently serves as the Club President. “Our club helps organizations in need in our community and our hope is that we can make a difference for the Weirton Community,” she told us. “I also hold the position of Second Vice President for the Northern District of Women’s Clubs in West Virginia.”
Jeanne currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Top of West Virginia Arts Council (TWVAC). “Art is something I have always enjoyed even though I am not an artist, and do not consider myself to have any artistic ability whatsoever,” Jeanne said. “Art can not only brighten your day, but can make you think as well. For me, art can be very thought-provoking.“ When asked about the TWVAC, and her time as a part of the council, she responded, “We are very fortunate to have the Summit Gallery in Weirton. I am in awe of the talented artists we have in our area. We are able to walk through our gallery during our artist receptions and discuss various pieces of artwork with others. Art brings a sense of community to people.”